ADHD Assessment
We understand that psychological assessments can be a significant financial commitment. Before deciding on ADHD/ADD testing, we want to ensure it's the right choice for you. That’s why we offer an affordable screening designed not for diagnosis but to help determine whether ADHD may be a factor, if another mental health condition could be present, and whether a full ADHD diagnostic evaluation is the best next step. Learn more about our screening process and diagnostic testing below.
ADHD Screening
An ADHD screening is a valuable tool that can provide insight into whether a more comprehensive evaluation for ADHD is necessary. It can also help uncover any additional factors that may be contributing to your symptoms or concerns, allowing for a more targeted approach to treatment. By undergoing a screening, you can potentially avoid unnecessary and costly testing if ADHD is not likely to be the root cause of your issues.
Upon completion of the screening, you will receive a potential diagnosis if warranted. Should you choose to pursue further assessment for ADHD with our team, the cost of the screening will be applied towards any additional fees incurred. This ensures that you receive the most accurate and comprehensive evaluation possible, tailored to your individual needs.
Time Commitment: A screening typically requires about 1 hour of in-office time with a psychologist.
Service Ages: 5 years - 18+ years
Free 15-min Consultation Phone Call
Targeted ADHD Diagnostic Assesment
ADHD diagnostic testing is essential for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning. During your consultation with Dr. Doss, you’ll undergo a comprehensive evaluation, which may include questionnaires, cognitive tasks, assessments, clinical discussions, and a review of relevant documents.
After the evaluation, you’ll receive a detailed report with findings and personalized treatment recommendations. If ADHD is ruled out, the psychologist will explore alternative potential diagnoses.
Overall, ADHD testing is a valuable tool for understanding and addressing attention-related concerns.
Your Time Commitment: 6+ hours, including a feedback session.
Service Ages: 5 years - 18+ years
Cost of Screening - $300
Cost of Assessment - $1700
50% deposit due at the time of booking
Remaining balance due before or at the time of service